County Currency
Revitalizing Rural Culture
The First Computer
Which Ivy League University?
Iowa State University
Then known as:
Iowa State College of Agricultural and
Mechanic Arts
The First Supercomputer
Which National Laboratory Invented It?
Out Back of Seymour’s
Rural Chippewa Falls
Inventor Of Microchip
Came From Which Major City In India?
A megalopolis of that legendary province of
India known as “Iowa”.
The Green Revolution
Came From Which Major City In India?
Another megalopolis of that legendary
province of India known as “Iowa”.
The Green Revolution
Fed Billions of People
and That’s Why, Today,
Places Like Cresco, Iowa
Are Multiplying Like
New York Times Triumphalism
Global Economy vs Rural Culture
10,000 years ago agriculture arose but now
its small-community heritage is discarded
National security eroding
Where there is no vision, the people perish
The higher education nightmare
Three mortgage-sized debts per family
Student loan debt not dischargable in
Graduates have decreasing job prospects
due to globalization
The two income trap of young family
formation dangerously delays childbearing
National Security Eroding
Centralization is more efficient but less
resilient to attack and corruption
Global “financial meltdowns” more of a
danger than ever
Greater openness to pandemics whether
biological (ebola) or cultural (ISIS)
The Illusion of the Gold City
Even with high incomes, responsible family
formation not affordable by most in cities
Casino-like career gambles to afford families
Addictions as substitute for stable families
Eat, Drink and Be Merry For We Have No
Localization Is the Answer
Every home a land grant college
Local self-sufficiency for national security
Best of both worlds for young rural families
with children
Revitalization of Higher Education
Even Ivy League graduate courses are now
available to rural areas online at low cost
Hands-on apprenticeships for advanced
technical skills from the likes of the inventors
of the computer, supercomputer, microchip
and green revolution
Married student childcare from long-time
local acquaintances
Pioneering National Security
Local provision of essentials
Reserve deputies as foundation of defense
Ability to isolate and quarantine if necessary
The Best Of Both Worlds
Artisanal culture including local
Affordable family formation
County Currency
To grow “big enough” local economies,
county governments gradually issue their
own currencies in the form of transferable
tax credits good for county tax liabilities.
That’s it!
Why Is Now the Time?
The Internet Is Mature Infrastructure
A Revolution in Flexible Manufacturing
People Are Wising Up To
The Casino of the Global Economy
The Value of Family and Friends
Local Motors Microfactory
Manufacturing 250 Custom Cars Per Year
Custom Vehicles
Even Military Grade All Terrain Vehicles
Flexible Manufacturing
Open source designs freely available
The New Machine Shop Cost Declines
3D printers in a wide range of sizes,
precisions and material properties
Traditional CNC mills and lathes
RepRap culture aiming at partially-
replicating machine shops
Localize Human Services
Time exchanges for caregivers
Israeli “MamaZone” daycare exchange
Japanese “Fureai kippu” eldercare
Professionals will accept tax credits
Incentives for volunteers
Material support for human services
The Currency Machinery
The Currency Machinery
Hand Held Point of Sale
The Currency Machinery
The Currency Machinery
Recommended by Bernard Lietaer
Turn-key services for local currencies
Smart County Citizen Id Cards ($1 each)
Point of Sale Stations ($500 each)
Full Credit/Debit Card Interface
Terms Negotiable
Call to Action
Study the potential impact of county
currency in Fremont County, IA, drawing on
experts in the emerging field of crypto-
currency as well as traditional monetary
systems and their associated infrastructure
such as
Thank you for your time.